All pieces sold by Sass & Co have an automatic consumer guarantee that each product is sold without faults, and match their online descriptions. Each piece is inspected by our customer care team prior to packaging, where we ensure that the pieces are in perfect condition to avoid any issues. All products have an automatic manufacturers warranty applied. 

Manufacturers warranty covers against any manufacturing defects for items purchased at Sass & Co.
There is a voluntary warranty period of 14 days, and any warranty claims must be made within this time frame to be valid. 

Manufacturers warranty does not cover: 
-Accidental damage
-Wear and tear (eg, scratches, tarnishing, degradation of gold plating) 
-Improper use 
-Improper storage
-Failure to follow care instructions
-Continued use of a product after a defect has been observed 

Manufacturers warranty will be voided if external repairs or alterations are undergone on your Sass & Co piece. 

If you believe your piece is affected by a manufacturers fault, please send us an email using the contact form here.

Subject to the above terms of the manufacturers warranty, we can chose to;


  • Provide a replacement that is identical, or of similar value
  • Repair the product within a reasonable time, or
  • Give a refund.

Sass & Co complies with the Australian Consumer Law. You can read more about your rights as a consumer here